Sharing in your life's excitements and sorrows. Feel free to overflow.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

In For Five

Okay, so lets see if I can write for five minutes. Not that long, but plenty of time to catch up on things.

Still CRAZY busy. I could go into details, but seriously, who wants to know?! Fall festival is tomorrow..hoping all the kiddos have fun. Rushing to get things done still (Imagine that!). I'm doing a scarecrow race. Should be fun. I'm going to use kids close to cut down on time and materials. Have to pick up several items tomorrow, working on the posters tonight.

Well, as many of you know, we received some heartbreaking news last night. Our friend, and sister in the Lord, is fighting aggressive breast cancer. But she has such a positive attitude. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there's times where she's just like- Woah! But we all know that God has it under control. No matter where this path takes us or how long it is- God has it under control. He will bring good out of this- that's a promise! Our pastor said something that I find stirring- if the body is functioning as it's suppose to- we all have cancer! May God help us to carry and share the burden the way he intended us too.

Way more than Five,

1 comment:

  1. Me wants to know. And yeah, tough stuff...she's been on my mind since I heard. =(
