Sharing in your life's excitements and sorrows. Feel free to overflow.

Monday, December 5, 2011

End of Semester Scatter

It's that time again! The "hurry up and finish all these assignments and finals and final papers" part of the semester. It is quickly drawing to a close. Now just think of all of the time where quitting was considered. :) I have to do all the end of semester assignments and play catch-up with the ones that I am behind on. But, I'm not the only one. This weekend was a share and conquer kind of weekend (in place of divide and conquer). I told Anna... we are in this together. And we spent the whole weekend accomplishing our to do lists. Well, into the early hours of Monday morning as well. :) I didn't want to do my little three page paper so bad that I allowed distraction and took a whopping 5 hours to write it! Haha... yes, it's true. Casey and I went to bed at one. Anna was up til three. And now tonight I have to finish some other assignments... I have a goal of a certain two... one of which I'm now remembering. Whoops. Crunch time the next two weeks!